In the aftermath of devastating storms that swept across Oklahoma in 2013, farmers and ranchers from around Oklahoma and the nation wanted to assist farmers, ranchers and rural communities in the aftermath of the storms.
After receiving donations from around the country, the Oklahoma Farming and Ranching Foundation set out to find a lasting way to utilize donated funds that would help maximize the impact of the donated dollars.
In September 2013, the foundation donated $100,000 to Shelter Oklahoma Schools to help build storm shelters in rural schools. These schools have a real need to build storm shelters to provide a safe haven for rural students during storm season. However, the cost to build shelters can be daunting, even with the great levels of support rural communities often provide. With the donation, the foundation provided the funds for rural schools to build the much-needed shelters for several rural communities.
To date, donated funds have helped begin construction on shelters at Friend School near Chickasha, Calumet and Fairview.
The campaign to provide shelters for rural schools is ongoing, and donations for this project are always accepted.
Fairview storm shelter
Fairview public schools held a special ceremony during construction of their storm shelter, featuring Rep. Mark McBride of Shelter Oklahoma Schools and Rep. Jeff Hickman, Oklahoma speaker of the House.
See the shelter and learn more about the donation in our YouTube video featuring this project.