In his Defense of the American Constitutions of 1787, John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. Property must be sacred, or liberty cannot exist.”
Recent history has demonstrated, with the fall of the Soviet Union, that access to private property gives individuals the freedom and incentive to be successful. Individuals work better when they are working to benefit themselves, their families and their communities rather than for the good of the “state.”
America’s successful agriculture framework is built upon the ideals that individuals have the opportunity to own property and are able to use it to produce an economic benefit for themselves and their communities.
As technology has evolved, so have America’s food production practices. Improvements in efficiency, safety and conservation have been a natural outcome from producers’ desires to feed, clothe and fuel their families and communities. And from their successes, we are able to abundantly feed and clothe our nation.
The existence of family farms that have remained in production in Oklahoma since statehood is evidence that producers are proactively caring for the land, water and animals they own. Farmers and ranchers face uncertain pest and weather patterns year after year, so an intimate knowledge of, and desire to care for the land and the animals is essential to their continued success.