Oklahoma has agricultural roots dating back before statehood. By 1907, the new state had over 62,000 farms, producing 8.6 million bushels of wheat , 113 million bushels of corn, 8 million chickens, 864,000 bales of cotton and 60,000 sheep. Fast forward a hundred years and agriculture remains one of Oklahoma’s largest industries with economic impacts that are essential for both our rural and urban economies.
Today, Oklahoma is home to 86,000 farms (4th in the nation,) covering 35,100,000 acres.
Take a look at the direct impact of our state’s annual agricultural production. It is pretty amazing.
- Cattle
- 2,073,000 head of beef cows (2nd largest producing state in the nation)
- 5,450,000 head of cattle and calves (4th largest producing state in the nation)
- $2.54 billion in gross income
- Poultry
- 1.3 billion pounds of broiler meat produced
- 64.5 million dozen eggs produced
- $613 million in cash receipts
- Wheat
- 110.2 million bushels produced
- $584 million in cash receipts
- 4th largest producing state in the nation
- Hogs and Pigs
- 2.4 million head
- $574 million in gross income
- 8th largest producing state in the nation
- Milk Cows
- $209 million in cash receipts for milk production
- Hay
- 5.4 million tons marketed
- $129 million in cash receipts
- 8th largest producing state in the nation
- Corn
- 32.3 million bushels produced
- $82.5 million in cash receipts
- Cotton
- 284,600 bales produced
- $67 million in cash receipts
- Soybeans
- 7.5 million bushels produced
- $47 million in cash receipts
- Sorghum
- 11.4 million bushels produced
- $29.2 million in cash receipts
- 4th largest producing state in the nation
- Peanuts
- 66.9 million pounds produced
- $15.5 million in cash receipts
- 9th largest producing state in the nation
- Forests
- $2.7 billion in value of products shipped
- Greenhouse/Horticulture
- $176 million in cash receipts
- Pecans
- 8 million pounds produced
- $24 million in cash receipts
- 5th largest producing state in the nation
- Peaches
- $1.6 million in cash receipts
- Watermelons
- 360,000 hundredweight produced
- $5 million in cash receipts
The agriculture industry contributes 188,294 jobs, and $28 billion in total output. It conserves the states’ natural resources, improves our quality of life and provides wholesome recreational and tourism opportunities. We are literally feeding and clothing our state, our nation and our world. That’s something to be proud of!